I Love
Rachel Thomas

This is a homage to how much I love and appreciate having Rachel Thomas in my life.
I can't imagine life any other way.

May, 2020

And this is
When It All Began

I always thought that I was too crazy or strange to find someone that could really understand me. I was convinced that I would spend the rest of my life a hermit. By some crazy chance I would happen to meet Rachel right after the initial COVID-19 lockdown. Being with her during that period made it much easier to get through. I cannot imagine taking on another life event without her by my side.

French Fries
And Thrift Stores

We started getting to know each other by trying to find the best french fries in the area. We did NOT figure it out, however we can tell you where NOT to go...

It was a bit strange trying to get to know someone while the world around me was spinning out of control. It almost feels like right off the bat Rachel gave me a way to normalize the choas and find solace.

Snow Storms
And Wood Stoves

I've seen more snow since I met Rachel, than I have in my entire life before. Learning to build a fire in a metal fireplace was quite the experience. It never got too cold, or too boring with you close by.

And Professionalism

It has been amazing watching your career grow. In the 2 years that I have known you I have seen you graduate, start a job, AND start your OWN practice. I couldn't be more proud of you and I can't wait to see just how far you will go.

I have also grown (And not just my waist size....). I never would've had the courage to take on the program that I did if it were not for you. I owe everything to you. Being able to build your professional website, this one, and many others is crazy to me. You gave me the motivation that I needed to get me here.

And Things

I enjoyed our time at the gardening seminar and helping you get your home garden started. I look forward to helping you more and growing plenty of amazing food to enjoy with you for years to come.

Little Ones
and Medium Ones

I never thought that children would ever have a place in my life. But your kids are amazing and I love them like they were my own. I wouldn't have it any other way.

In Conclusion:
I Love Rachel Thomas

It has been an amazing 2 years. The best 2 years of my life. And it's crazy to think that everyday is better than the last. I never thought that I would have anything like this. I thought this feeling was only true in Disney movies. I was wrong. And despite being an Aries, I am really glad that I was.
